We believe in confidential and non-discloure agreement bwtween our activities and the customers.


Confidential tops over any other thing
in our business activies.

Business partnership

The partnership between customers should be kept secret, and not disclosed to other third parties.

artwork design

Artwork design should not be shared to any third party

on-line pictures/videos

The pictures and vidoes of the printed package of the customer artwork will not be on-line at customer request.

sample bags

Sample of custom printed bags will not be shared with other third party at customer request.

orders and prices

It should be always kept secret.

NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement)

NDA Available at Customer's Request

Just view one copy of the non-disclosure agreement of us


An increasingly sustainable future

Protecting the environment requires far-reaching projects, that’s why Brasilmoka is always looking for new ways to improve.

We have a plan in the pipeline that will help us further reduce emissions by shifting to a fleet of electric vans. Moreover, our dedication to innovation in packaging aims at reducing our environmental impact and promoting the use of state-of-the-art materials.

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